Add Products to PriceBook

Add Products to PriceBook

Products, services, and bundles can be added to pricebooks. To add them to the pricebooks it has to be pre-created in Masters->Products - Images.
Perform the steps below to add the products, services, and bundles to the pricebooks:

1. Click Masters->Products - PriceBooks.

2. Select the Show link corresponding to the Pricebooks name.

3. Click the Add Product/Bundle/Service link.

A new items row opens. Start typing the name and choose from the list of items available. Since the product/service/bundle is pre-created, the price of the item will be auto-filled in the Price column. You can edit the price for them, in the box if necessary. 

Note: Click the trash icon to delete the item line. 

4. Click the + Add New Items button to add a new item line to the pricebook. 

5. Finally, click the Save button to save the products/services/bundles to the pricebooks. 

  1. Update Products in PriceBook
  2. Create Pricebook
  3. Add products