How to add expenses for a job
To Add expense to the job screen, perform the following steps: 1. Choose Service from the main menu and select Jobs. 2. Click the required job from the job list. 3. Click the Edit button on the job details page. 4. Press the +Add Job Expense button ...
Create a Sales Invoice for the Job
To create a sales invoice for the job, perform the following steps. 1. Click Services in the main menu and choose the Jobs link. 2. Select the required job in the results. 3. Click the Invoice tab. 4. Click the + Create Invoice icon to create a ...
Add Job Notes
Instructions or pieces of information regarding the job can be made by adding notes about the job. Below are the steps to add notes for a job: 1. Click Services in the main menu and choose the Jobs link. 2. Select the required job on the Job List ...
Change Jobs Status
Tracking and monitoring the status of jobs helps to improve the work performance of technicians, and gives better service to customers. Tracking of jobs helps to transfer the unassigned jobs to technicians free at the time or located near to ...
Add Job Custom Fields
There may be times when you want to quickly view certain information or sort your customer base by different fields. The ability to add custom fields to your Job view is great for when you need a high-level overview of your jobs. Follow the steps to ...
Add New Job Types
Keeping the track of technician's progress on the job improves better work management and communication with other team members as well as with customers. ServiceFolder's customized job type allows the businesses to create a new job type as per the ...
Add New Job Status
Keeping track of the technician's progress on job improves better work management and communication with the other team members as well as with customers. ServiceFolder's customized job status allows the businesses to create new job status as per the ...
How can I add the attachment to the Job?
Attaching a file or document to the job can be done after creating a job. Below are the steps to be performed: 1. Click Services in the main menu and choose the Jobs link. 2. Select the required job from the Job List Page. 3. Select the Files tab and ...
Assign technician to unassigned job
Unassigned jobs are the jobs that are not assigned to any technicians. Reasons may be a lack of availability of technicians or managers or the like. You can create the job and later assign it to the available technician. 1. Click Services -> Jobs in ...
Creating a new job
To add a new job, perform the following steps: 1. Click Service from the main menu, and choose the jobs link. By default, the page will display all the jobs for the branch. 2. On the Job Lists Page, click the + New Job button on the right. 3. Fill ...
What is job?
Jobs are nothing but complaints or service requests from the customers. Jobs can be anything depending on the business. If the business is related to AC services, jobs could be AC repair, AC part replacement, gas filling etc. Click here to know how ...