Add a New Customer

Add a New Customer

To add a customer perform the following steps:

1. Click Masters -> Customers

The customer's page opens with the existing list of active customers.

2. To the top right, click on the + New Customer button.

The New Customer Form opens with all the fields that a customer needs for the service. The only mandatory field is the customer Name.

The Currency for the customer can be chosen from the pre-created list of currencies in the drop-down list.

If the expected currency is not found in the drop-down, you can create it by following the steps hereOnce the currency is added, it will be displayed in the New Customer Form, currency drop-down list. You can then choose the appropriate currency for the customer.

The Lead Source mentions the channel through which the customer heard about the company. Eg: Google, Bing, Cold call, etc.. The data can be chosen from the drop-down.

If the expected data is not available in the drop-down, it can be added in Settings->customer settings.

The Tags are used to classify the customers. Eg: Senior, Premium, etc..

If the expected data is not available in the drop-down, it can be added in Settings->Forms and general.

The payment terms for the customer can be chosen by selecting the value from the drop-down list.

If the expected payment term is not found,  you can create it by following the steps here
Once added, the new payment term will be shown in the drop-down list. You can then choose the appropriate payment term for the customer.   

Add the primary and secondary contact details in the appropriate fields. They can be further edited by updating the customer after creation. 

To assign the customer an address, select address type from the drop-down list and complete the form. 

Note: The customer can be assigned multiple addresses like mailing address, billing address, shipping address, site address, and other addresses, by editing the particular customer after the creation.

Add the other relevant fields in the New Customer Form.

Under the Advance tab "Price Book" for the customer can be chosen from the drop-down.  If price books are not available, it can be created under Masters-> price books. This is not a mandatory field. 

3. Click the Save button to save the customer details.
Note: By default, the customer's status is made Active. 

On submission,  the details of the added customer are shown on the overview page. 

You can now view the added customer in the customer list.

  1. Update customer details
  2. Import multiple customers
  3. Add new payment term
  4. What is a pricebook?
  5. Create Pricebook